1970: Summer 2016

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Karin Ninesling Infuso

Classmates sent news of happy retirements, continued or second careers, interesting travel, and beloved grandchildren.  Janet Bear Ander joined the ranks of “grandmotherhood” with the birth of a grandson; for her, the experience is “awesome.” Marj Menchey Bernstein continues traveling with her partner.  A recent trip to Cuba was “amazing”, and they plan a trip to the canyonlands of the Southwest in recognition of 100 years of the National Park system.  She recently attended her 50th high school reunion and enjoys activities on Hood campus and off campus with Sam Ryan ReevesAda Karen Blair and her husband took a spring road trip to join former colleagues at two conferences in Mississippi. One was a literary and cinematic conference in Natchez, and the second was The Conference for the Book in Oxford.  Christine Bradley Pecor, M.A.’88 moved to a new home and enjoys one-story living.  She recently returned from a trip to Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, and Salt Lake City. Chris welcomed a grandson in 2015.  Jeanne Bryant Wyland and her son visited several colleges with lacrosse programs.  Her son liked Hood and the lacrosse coach the most and verbally committed to attend Hood in 2017.  Jeanne is excited that her son might be the third generation of her family to attend Hood.  Jeanne keeps in touch with Linda Kramer Evans, Anne Parkin Pierpont, Sandra White Harper, Barbara Pepi Danella, and Cynthia Smith Kinney.    Lynne Britt Demers Becker finished consulting at the U. of Houston.  She enjoyed the work and being close to her oldest daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.  She and her husband are cruising the eastern and western Caribbean but will travel to Connecticut for Lynne’s 50th high school reunion.  Dana Eser Hunt works in Cambridge, MA as public policy research scientist focusing on substance abuse and criminal justice policy.  She likes her job and does not anticipate retirement anytime soon.  She has two adult daughters; one is a health policy analyst and one is a clinical social worker. After two Master’s degrees and several career changes, Ellen Farrand Carpenter enjoys renovating her homes in MD and FL.  She uses her captain’s license to sail and dive, a favorite pastime.  Cynthia Forbes sent an e-mail about herself and Lucie Picard Allen.  They will celebrate their 50 years of friendship with a ten-week cruise beginning in Spain and ending in Australia.  Cynthia retired as a senior analyst with the Government Accounting Office.  She lives in Atlanta, GA and has traveled to all 50 states and all seven continents. After the trip, she will have visited 100 countries.  Lucie retired as a financial director after 30 years, lives in Pittsburgh, PA, and has two children and two grandchildren. Christine Goodwin Oster lives in Montana and continues her second career as a potter. Her summer will include an Alaskan cruise with her children and grandchildren and attending her 50th high school reunion.  Elaine Hubert had an “interesting life” in the past six months.  She broke her leg while decorating for Christmas, and her house caught fire while she was hospitalized.  She and her husband feel lucky to be alive and glad that their golden retriever got out of the house in time.  Elaine’s leg is mostly healed, and they will be back in their house soon.  Elaine sends word of a “gorgeous” new grandson.  Lynn Johnson Houze had difficulty sending news for this column, but Marianne Clark Cordyack helped resolve the problem.  Thank you to both for your perseverance.  Pamela Nesbit enjoys the quiet, often overlooked joys of nature and family.  Karin Ninesling Infuso and family spent a week in Orlando, FL while her daughter attended an international conference on learning disabilities. They also visited Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown, VA to introduce Karin’s darling baby grandson to the National Park system.  Ethelyn Riley lives in Columbus, GA and is retired from teaching.  She has two children and six “beautiful grandchildren”.  Ethelyn takes each grandchild on a trip to celebrate his/her 13th birthday.  The child chooses the destination; this summer Ethelyn will travel to NYC with her granddaughter. Nancy Schneider Alder will attend two 50th high school reunions, one in Green Lake, WI where she attended school from K-10th grade and one in Gettysburg, PA.  Nancy enjoys seeing her five grandchildren who live in Pittsburgh and Shippensburg, PA.  Lisa Smith Roney is happily retired but does some consulting work and is on the Board of Directors of Amigos de las Americas.  She and her husband traveled recently to Turkey and Greece and Australia and New Zealand.  She has two granddaughters who live in Philadelphia and Rockville, MD.  She plans to attend our 50th reunion in four years.  Thank you to the classmates who contributed to this column.

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