2001 news – July 2019
Greetings to all! Thanks to those who shared their news this year; it is always my pleasure to pass it along.
Erin Diehl married Andrés Conde on June 16, 2019 and gave birth to a baby girl, Carlota Marie, on May 16, 2019. They are living in Madrid, Spain and Erin can be reached by email at diehle@hotmail.com. One month earlier, Robin Deniker Morgensternand husband Chad Morgenstern along with their four daughters welcomed baby girl #5, Daisy Mae Harper Morgenstern, on April 4, 2019. And rounding out the baby news this year, Jen Stange Knieriem and husband Jason embraced their first baby, Simon, last October and cannot believe how much he’s grown already! Kinya Deshields McNeil shared her personal success in Toastmasters International (http://www.toastmasters.org/about/all-about-toastmasters),an international club geared towards helping people become effective public speakers and leaders. She is curious to see if there are any other Hoodlums who are involved. TI has a curriculum with various projects/paths to complete. Once completed, members receive different levels of distinction. Kinya joined the Midtown Masters (District 46) club on June 1, 2015 and received her Competent Communicator (CC) award on December 20, 2018. She has now migrated over to the new Pathways curriculum and will be pursuing the Innovative Planning path. Congratulations to all of you! Last but not least, Melissa Collis Logan wrote that she enjoyed catching up with Amy Estell at the Strasbourg Alumni reception held over Reunion Weekend. Their taste buds relished in revisiting some delicious Alsatian wine and food while the Hoodlums reminisced about their days in France and at Hood. For those who could not make it, Melissa highly recommends attending if they hold another such event.
I am grateful to all who share their news worldwide and look forward to hearing from everyone again. I hope this finds you all well in your respective corners of the Earth!